Pioneers in bringing breakthrough biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies available to all.

Neil Choudri

Chief Technology Officer

20+ Years of Experience in Commercial Due Diligence, Quantitative Analytics, Valuation and Algorithmic Investing

Scientific Foundation: With an educational background that included double-majoring in Biology and Business Economics & Management from Caltech, Neil brings a rigorous scientific approach to how we evaluate potential life-changing biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies.

Leadership: Neil was elected Chairman of the student-run endowment fund at Caltech, where he presided over weekly board meetings to review portfolio results, made his own investment recommendations which resulted in outsized returns for the fund, and organized guest speakers to educate the community on investing.

Analytical Mindset: Beginning his career as a management consultant at OC&C Strategy Consultants, Neil has honed and believes in a data-driven, quantitative approach to support critical business and investment decisions.

Due Diligence Expertise: Neil has a wealth of experience leading Commercial Due Diligence teams for over 50 private and public equity transactions, including building the 5-year financial forecast model for what was at the time the world's largest IPO.

Experienced Entrepreneur: Most recently, Neil launched an algorithmic-based hedge fund that focuses on the cryptocurrency space and uses a long-only, unlevered strategy that has resulted in benchmark-beating returns in bull markets and lower drawdowns during turbulent periods.

Neil Choudri